Tea on Your Rainy Day!

Tea on Your Rainy Day!

Good afternoon, on this rainy October afternoon my tea peeps! I am writing to you today as, tea, at least for me, is the absolute best on a day like such. I don't know about you guys, but I woke up this morning "with a cross around my neck, but a cuss word 'cus it's Monday" (enter Brad Paisley), and the rain did not help! 

Rain makes me want to curl up in my cozy blanket, with a cup of tea, and binge watch whatever Netflix series has captivated me as of late (not "The Haunting of Hill House", you crazy people!). Today was no exception. Yet, as I'm sure many of you have found, despite the draw to call in sick, stay in bed, cuddle your puppy, etc, etc, is Hercules strong, we still somehow find the way to muscle ourselves to the workplace. Unless your workplace allows you to curl up fireside, or shuffle your slippers to the break room, I highly recommend using a cup of tea to soothe yourself. 

One tea that I can recommend to pair with this soothing nature is our Lakeside Calm. I don't know about you, but surely, I miss those late afternoons on the lake, feeling the waves beneath me, and enjoying this beautiful community we live in. This lovely tea embodies hibiscus, lemon, and a hint of lavender. This tea is incredibly reminiscent of summer days as we move into fall, and still does not put you to sleep if you are starting your work day! 

Another tea, to accompany this rainy day, yet still not coincide with your comatose nature proves our Canandaigua Chill. This tea is wonderful not only today, for Fall as a whole, but also delightful both hot and cold! Our Canandaigua Chill is a blend of our region's favorites; apple, strawberry, and cinnamon spice. Again, not containing caffeine, like our Lakeside Calm, it does not inhibit your work day! Like I said, this tea I truly enjoy because it can be enjoyed both hot and cold. In the morning I enjoy a hot beverage to wake me up, but once into the afternoon I like a nice cool drink to quench my thirsts. The Canandaigua Chill is perfect for both! 

Back to the curled up, blankets, and the Netflix scene; this is the atmosphere I love. More so, I love the teas that accompany it. On this rainy day, the first thing that I reach for is my tea cup. The teas that fancy me to complement this calm nature are our Gentle Slumber, Earl Grey with Lavender, or Chamomile. All of these teas are known to induce relaxation and tranquility. Gentle Slumber is our house made blend of chamomile, peppermint, and rooibos tea. The chamomile is known to encourage sleepiness while the peppermint adds an invigorating and refreshing finish. 

Our Earl Grey with Lavender is just what it suggests. It embodies the sophisticated Earl Grey tea complemented nicely with flakes of lavender floral notes. It is sure to bring you feelings of calmness and serenity. 

Lastly is our Chamomile tea. This light and fluffy tea is made directly from the golden flowers and dried to be steeped into your sleep inducing snack. Egyptians and Romans discovered it's power for sedation and valued it deeply. We continue to reap the benefits of this discovery even today!

While this rain can be at times depressing or make us want to be homebound, we must remember that without this rain there would never be rainbows! I hope you all stay warm, dry, and enjoy a delicious cup of tea to brighten this gloomy day! -- Kay-tea :) 

P.S. Happy Halloween!!

Here are the teas mentioned to give a try!


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