How To Make The Perfect Cup of Tea

How To Make The Perfect Cup of Tea

Good morning, tea friends! With Mother's Day this upcoming Sunday, we wanted to put together a short tutorial for you on how exactly to make your mom the perfect cup of tea for Mother's Day! In this blog post, I'll be detailing what you'll need, a few tea recommendations, and provide you with a checklist for making the perfect cup of tea. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions by commenting here or by sending an email directly to Let's get started! 

Let's start with what you'll need to make the perfect cup of tea. Don't worry, it's a short list of supplies. You'll need: 


- Your mom's favorite mug (or soon to be favorite! We have a few recommendations for this!)


- Your mama's favorite tea (Again, we have a few suggestions to help you here below!)


- An infuser (No surprise that we can help you here, as well!) 


- Water


- Any additives you may want to include. (Ex. Honey, milk, amber sugar crystals, lemon, etc.)


You've got it all! Now, let's start brewing! 
To begin making your cup of tea, measure your tea leaves into your infuser. We always suggest 1 teaspoon per 8 ounces of water, so keep this in mind should you be using a larger mug or a teapot for more people. We also always mention that should you or your mom prefer tea a bit stronger don't be afraid to make those a bit heavier teaspoons or use a teaspoon and a half per each 8 ounces of water. 
Next, let's start preparing the water for you tea. We have found that it is not widely known or understood that different types of teas require different temperatures for brewing. This is because teas like white teas or green teas are made up of leaves that are more delicate than those of a black or herbal tea. Luckily at Good Life Tea, on each and every one of our bags, we include the instructions for brewing your tea including the temperature at which your water should be. 
If you ever need another reference for a specific tea here is another chart to help!
As you're reading, you may be thinking to yourself, "How am I supposed to know the temperature of the water though?" or "Kaytea, I don't have a water thermometer!". As always, at Good Life Tea, we have solutions for you. Another recommendation for a gift for your mom this year may be our Electric Tea Kettle with Variable Temperature Control settings. With this kettle, you are able to set the exact temperature to which you want the water to heat to before shutting off, in order to ensure that you are steeping your tea at the appropriate temperature. Steeping at higher temperatures for teas like green or white teas can denature your leaves and result in bitter or unpleasant flavors. Steeping black or herbal teas at too low temperatures can make it so that you don't get the full flavors out of your leaves. 
Once your water is to the correct temperature, you pour it over your tea leaves in the infuser and let it steep for the appropriate time denoted on your bag. Please reference the chart above again if you need to for a specific type of tea. You may think about setting a timer for this to avoid over-steeping which can again result in unwanted or unpleasant flavors. 


Once your tea has finished steeping, simply remove the infuser, add anything you see fit (i.e. milk, cream, sugar, lemon, agave, etc) and enjoy with your mom! Below I'll provide a quick checklist that you can utilize or print out if you need to keep it handy, as well! 


Now that you know how to make the perfect, let's get to the fun stuff. Let us offer some recommendations for different types of teas to spoil your mom with! Click on each link to learn a bit more about each tea! 


If your mom is a black tea beauty, a few recommendations we have are:
- Cream of Earl Grey (available in a decaf, as well)


If she is more of a green tea girly, perhaps try one of the following: 


What about the mom's who love white tea?


How about the herbal tea for the caffeine free mamas?


Again, for caffeine free lovers, let's recommend some rooibos teas


Last, but not least, let's offer some oolong options!


Now that we have covered how to make the perfect cup and a few recommendations for teas to try, I just wanted to make sure that I included a quick reminder about the tea ware that we have if you would like to make your mom some tea to share! If you are looking for the perfect and easiest way to make a pot of tea to share, I highly recommend our Round Ceramic Teapot. Not only is this teapot available in two sizes and multiple colors, but it includes the infuser that can be used separately in a mug alone if your mom wants to make a solo cup another time. If your mom is more of an iced tea person, I highly recommend trying our 50 ounce Mist pitcher or 64 ounce Super Mist pitcher
If you happen to make the absolute perfect cup of tea for your mom this weekend, let us know what you make and snap a picture of her enjoying it! If you send it to us for a feature, we'll send you a discount code for your next order! If your tea doesn't come out perfect, let us know what happened and hopefully we can help! Happy sipping and Happy Mother's Day, friends! We hope you have a wonderful weekend spoiling all the mothers in your life! - Kaytea :)

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