Hello wonderful tea people! I apologize that it has been some time since you have heard from me but I am hoping that you all are enjoying summer and staying cool!
Today I am writing to talk to you about our three best selling teas here at Good Life. These three teas are not surprisingly the best sellers as they are all not only incredibly delicious but also especially unique!
Sure enough, our most popular is the Hot Cinnamon Spice tea. This tea is appealing to so many, in particular at this time of year, for its spiced autumn notes accompanied by the smoldered citrus chips, that are reminiscent of the soon ending summer. With no added sugars, three separate kinds of cinnamon (who knew?!?), and the fruity finish this tea does not disappoint. What's even more fantastic, is this tea is available in both a black caffeinated loose leaf and a caffeine free herbal loose leaf for the perfect before bed cup!
Purchase Hot Cinnamon Spice!
Next, we have our most beloved tisane, Last Mango in Paris. As the namesake is derived from the sultry 1978 film, "Last Tango in Paris", this tea absolutely lives up to its lively and tantalizing experience. Most definitely one of my personal favorites, this tea boasts flavors ranging from juicy, juicy mangoes to floral rosehips, and hibiscus, all the way back to apples and oranges! This tea is all over the dance floor! Even more important for this time of year, this tea also shows sashays of elderberries, which are linked to immune boosts and flu symptom prevention! While I personally enjoy this tea iced, it can absolutely warm up any fall night hot as well!
Purchase Last Mango In Paris!
Last, and most certainly not least, is our charming and floral Kyoto Cherry Rose. This organic and exquisite green tea is perfect for all green tea lovers, but even more impressive, is sure to change the minds of those who find green tea "too leafy", "too grassy", "too vegetal", etc. The sencha green tea blend is synchronized impeccably with natural cherry flavor and delicate pink rose blossoms. The tea is not only delicious to enjoy but a beautiful sight as well. I love to see the little pink flecks amidst the green background and think of the spring that will follow this upstate winter that it upon us.
Purchase Kyoto Cherry Rose!
Like I said, there is no mystery as to why these three continue to be our top selling teas! All encompassing different qualities and flavors they each are unique and splendid in their own ways! As always, I hope you all continue to have wonderful days and come see us down here at Good Life Tea! Happy sipping!
- Kay-tea :)