Good morning, sippers! We hope that you all had a wonderful weekend and that you stayed warm with the bitter temperatures we were experiencing! Thankfully, it has started to warm up, and we have something special to discuss with you today. Recently, we came across a segment done by "Good Morning America" that detailed various different "secret menu items" available at all of our favorite fast food restaurants. For instance, have you ever heard of the "Land, Air, & Sea" from McDonald's? Neither had we! It consists of beef patties, a chicken patty, and a fish filet, all topped with pickles, lettuce, onion, mayo, tartar sauce, Big Mac sauce, and American cheese. We were sitting here like, "Whoa! Flavor overload!". But it got us thinking, what "secret menu items" do we have here at Good Life Tea to share with you? Furthermore, do you have any of your own that we already know about or have yet to hear about? Below, I'll be letting you in on some of our secret blends and encourage you to share your own!

Let's start with our blends that we always keep on hand here and are ones that we regularly mix in house.
Gentle Slumber
Our Gentle Slumber tea is a house made, relaxing tea that blends together chamomile, which has been used as a sleep aid since the Egyptians, plain rooibos, sourced from South Africa, and peppermint, to help with cleansing both the palette and the mind.
Ginger's Island
Ginger’s Island is a ginger tea which does not taste too much like ginger. Ginger is excellent for stomach aches, but has a strong taste to which we have found some to be averse. To help with this we have blended our herbal ginger alongside dried apples, coconut, pineapple, rose hip, hibiscus, and lemongrass which results in a more tropical flavor profile that many find relaxing and refreshing. Just like the Gentle Slumber, this blend is caffeine free as well, so should you face tummy troubles in the evening hours, this is still safe to drink without fear of it keeping you up.
Lakeside Calm
Another caffeine free blend that we make here and that has become especially popular due to its components proves our Lakeside Calm. This serene tea combines the simple ingredients of lavender, lemon, and hibiscus that brew into a beautiful dark pink color. We regularly hear customers tell us of how during the months when they aren't able to be physically lakeside, this tea helps them to mentally transport and enjoy those same feelings of relaxation and peacefulness.
C of Tranquility
C of Tranquility, much like Ginger’s Island, was blended in order to contain lemongrass, which is very high in vitamin C, and chamomile for relaxation, but avoid tasting particularly medicinal. The answer was to include a tisane base, full of blueberries, hibiscus, and rosehips. The resulting tea is one of our best-selling teas.
Earl Grey with Lavender
This was a blend that we found to be so popular, and so regularly requested, that we just began having it on hand for anyone that stopped in. It is a base of our Earl Grey Supreme tea and blended with some of our French lavender tea to add just the floral touch that so many sippers seek. We now offer this in a Decaf Earl Grey with Lavender blend as well for the evening!

Here are three other blends that we have heard from some of you before!
This first blend was one that we found to be SO interesting. Our good friend Sandra emailed us one day (she is a Southern bell and one of our online customers) and told us about how she recently had tried honey that had been made and harvested from bees who were raised in orange orchards, served over blackberries as an afternoon snack. Not only had our interest been piqued by such a creative post lunchtime morsel, but we were even more delighted, as she had reached out for our best recommendation on creating a tea that may mimic some of these flavors, as she wanted to be able to enjoy them all day long! In working with Sandra, we suggested a 1:1 blend of 1 part our Orange Blossom Oolong or our Decaf Orange, alongside 1 part our Black Currant black tea with a dollop of honey included! She loved it!

I received the Ice Wine Black tea and tried it yesterday. It is really refreshing and it does have that hint of wine. I will be ordering more when I am close to finished with the tea I ordered. Thanks for offering this tea!