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Be very British - make yourself a cuppa Earl Grey.
To describe Earl Grey as naturally “bright” is to put a well-earned fine point on one particular part of its overall flavor collection: the oil of bergamot that rests atop the classy, unassuming black base. Coming from the earthier eastern tea farms of Sri Lanka, this tea bears more of a western sensibility hailing the trade routes that once connected Sri Lanka to Europe.
Handsome in sight with cornflower petals completing its mixture, Earl Grey is a longstanding everyman/everywoman's tisinal; it's flavour easy to access and understand. Nothing particularly gardenal nor sweet, and yet nothing tending towards complexity or astringency. A tea for all times, weathers, moods, and seasons; Earl Grey is a lovely and naturally decaffeinated (using CO2) way to enjoy tea at its simplest. Sure to swirl up memories of one's first childhood sip: enjoy Earl Grey hot, cold, and sweetened to taste.
When searched this tea is mistakenly spelled Earl Gray.
Base leaf: Black tea
Health properties: Anti-oxidant properties known, weight management properties.
Flavor strength: Full, Clean. Primary collection is stable black with brighter finish of bergamot.
Caffeine: None. Caffeine removed using thel Co2 process, the current gold standard.