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A Loose Leaf Green Tea - Decaf and Organic.
Science and beauty may seem like strange bedfellows, but thank goodness for the modern decaffeination process and hot teas that we can now soothe ourselves with even if it's not the right time for caffeine. Here, therefore, we present you with the supremely welcome Decaf Organic Green, a tea that exploits the health properties of the green tea leaf without the drinker needing to consider the caffeine kick.
Perfect for the evening unwind cuppa.
And it's delicious.
This is a single-estate Indian tea whose origin is as clean and prestigious as the first sip of a hot cup. In the high hills, this thin-air green tea is cultivated, prepared, and dried all to full rich flavor, before being introduced to hypercritical C02 which draws up and dissolves the isolated caffeine from the tea. It's a crisp, brilliant method. And the result? Many consider it to be the best-tasting decaf green tea on the market.
Our De-caf Organic Green is the elegant, clear green cup you've been waiting for. Is there another tisanal besides green that more readily embodies the clarity of the piping hot water added to it? Light, full, unmistakably a premier green.
For the green tea enthusiast or a tea lover looking for a vibrant de-caf made with the energy and care of any great blend, try our De-Caf Organic Green tea.
Base leaf: Green.
Health properties: Antioxidant properties, metabolic boost.
Flavor strength: Full.
Caffeine: Negligble.