Katie Panara
Difference between a tea kettle and a tea pot

The Difference Between a Tea Kettle and a Teapot

It has become apparent to me, in my time working in a tea shop, that not all people are aware of the difference between a tea kettle and a teapot, and we want to help with that 👍. Sure, it's easy enough to confuse them. They both look sort of similar with a spout and a lid. They both have names which include the word tea. And they both contain hot water at some point in the tea-making process. Confusing the two, however, can have dire consequences for yourself, your tea, and especially your teapot. 🫖  When making tea using...

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Aubrey Simonson
NovelTEA Infusers

NovelTEA Infusers

Novelty infusers are very cute.  I personally own a small, silicone sloth who hangs out on the side of my cup.  In addition to being cute, they also encourage you to drink your tea loose, rather than bagged, which is good, because loose tea tends to be of a much higher quality. However, novelty infusers definitely have drawbacks.  While these cup companions may be adorable, they also tend to be small.  Small  infusers, like tea balls, make it difficult for leaves to properly expand, and impart their flavor to the water.  The result tends to be a weaker, flatter tea...

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Aubrey Simonson
All of The Ways to Infuse Tea

All of The Ways to Infuse Tea

Loose tea can be confusing.  There isn’t a neat, pre-packaged paper sack of leaves, which you can simply drop into boiling water, and leave there.  We understand.  Therefore, we’ve gathered a list of every way which we can think of of infusing water with tea.     Tea Balls- Are objectively terrible.  Anyone who has ever owned them is aware of this fact.  Firstly, they are round, which means that filling them involves holding one side of the contraption, while putting tea in it with the other hand.  Then, you inevitably can’t close it while you crush most of the...

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Aubrey Simonson
Why We Don't Carry Bagged Teas

Why We Don't Carry Bagged Teas

Because We Care About Quality Many of our customers ask us why we don’t carry bagged tea.  It’s easy and convenient, and they consider themselves to be too busy to make loose tea a part of their lives.  The short answer is that it’s because we care about our customers, and the quality of our tea.  Tea bags constrict the leaves, preventing them from fully opening, and from fully imparting their flavor.  This isn’t a problem for most bagged tea, though, because it is already ground to dust.  Whole, loose-leaf tea has to be harvested more carefully in order to avoid...

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